
Saturday, July 17, 2010

The life on the road...of a chorus girl..Part one

Well when I first started touring in the mid to late 1990's. There was no book,,I figured if other entertainers could do this why not me?. Touring takes much planning not to mention much thoughtful insight to what city,venue,travel,lodging and yes your Fees. I suggest that you have a good support team,,if not you will crack under the pressure. I learned the hard way and I Never back down from a challange. For performing isn't easy .. This business isn't for the faint of heart either..Many people are jealous,backstabbing,greedy two-faced. Many vendors(Promoter's/Night club owners will attempt to cheat,verbally insult you and sexually attack you) if you don't have a thick skin.{This doesnt happen too often just be savvy and not  paint yourself in a corner!}. I've seen some of the strongest ladies cripple under the grip. I have had my highs,laughs and mellow times,, Im proud to say that I Have NEVER used "Dope". I understand why some of the greatest have surrendered to Drug,Alcohol,Gambling,Sex,Debt addiction. There is also much discrimination,gender bias and lies/liars! Keep your dignity intact and you shall be fine.After all the cut throats I'm still in this business called..SHOW BUSINESS...more advice later on..Gigi

Friday, July 16, 2010

Brains & Beauty

As of late so many things have been in the works with my career. Im very of my favorite past times. Gardening I have taken that back up..only for this summer. When my hectic schedule resumes then I must leave it to a "Kind fellow Green thumb". I implore upon everyone to learn this trade or hobby. I was very fortunate to grow up on a farm. My grandparents enjoyed planting roses,veggies and trees. It taught me patience{yeah thats something I hope that I wil refine with aging/maturity,,oneday?}. Americans have become so dependent on shopping at local markets. First do you know where your fresh veggies are shipped in from?. Lets not forget about the deadly pesticides! Those things should be used on criminals,,not humans trying to provide a meal for they're fAMILY. My grandparents never purchased fruits and veggies from a grocery. I ask that you learn about this..soil and crop rotation,seeds as well as compost. It will do your body good. If Not try to support the local farmers markets.They will appreciate your dollars,,and it will assist in reviving our economy..thx u..G

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dreams can come true....

Im thinking about how lucky I have been..very grateful to have so many kind friends,,fans,,and supporters over the years. My only regret is that my late beloved grandmama, isnt here to see my talents that I share with the world. I inherited many gifts  from her I'm certain..Like the singing,sewing,fashion and gardening!..Who knew a cooky crazy..kinda kid..would become all this?...Merci..grandmama..I miss u and think of you so often.Hard work does pay off and dedication to a craft..Gigi